School Introduction

Established in 1992, California School is fully registered with the Education Bureau of Hong Kong to offer a full-time regular education to children.

California School offers an international curriculum similar to the one used at KGV and other ESF schools. We offer the world-renowned IGCSE (for F4/F5), GCE A-Level (F7). All these are accredited by the U.K. and H.K. governments.

Students of other schools normally transfer to California School in F.4. because they want to earn IGCSE/GCE qualifications instead of a HKCEE. Our UK-issued certificates are valid, recognized & accepted worldwide.

As a result of the achievements of our students, our GCE classes have consistently expanded. Today the teaching of California School is held in high acclaim by all segments of Sub Continentals.

At California School we not only provide professional academic training but also strive to develop the social character of the whole student. Young people prosper and thrive in an environment which can maintain a close contact with them – in this School they will never be “lost in the crowd”.

A F.5 Californian can move up to F6 GCE A-Level- An excellent route to enter Universities all over the world. Our part-time students benefit from part-time courses leading to an award of a California School Certificate/Diploma which is a recognized accomplishment by businesses in Hong Kong.

California School awards are coveted by students, parents, businesses and the HK society.

Numerous Californians are presently studying in Universities in Hong Kong, USA and Australia.